What People Say...

Duane S.

I’ve found the proprietors to be interested in the development of all residents. Discrimination is not applicable here. All you must do is be willing to follow simple rules and be determined to get on with your own life and living.

I’ve experienced both sides of the board. Currently volunteering as Peer Support Specialist, I’ve also been a resident at Skyline. I find the Peer Support Specialists that I’ve experienced (as resident) were caring and compassionate individuals who would/will fully assist residents to the fullest extent that they are able. And now, operating as Peer Support Specialist, I find the assistance that the owners provide to be invaluable. (Also, I oversee a nice group of guys!) I’ve never operated in this capacity before but found help to be willing, able and competent. Regardless of your criminal charges and/or background Skyline is willing to lend a helping hand regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or physical limitations. Your privacy is assured, and confidentiality is the rule of the day.
If you’re willing to get on with your life by any means possible, have an ardent desire to refrain from drugs, alcohol and all other illicit/illegal substances (the end result being hospitals, institutions or death) and get along well with others, you’ll do well here. In fact, that’s the end goal for Skyline – that all its residents eventually find stable employment, successful reintegration into society, and be productive members along those lines.

In summation, THEY CARE! If you are looking for a different three-quarter house experience look no further. Consider Skyline Recovery! Give them a call, pack your bags (7 days’ worth of clothing, please), grab some cash or credit card and come on over. We’ll leave the light burning for ya! (Lol).

12 October, 2023

Courtney D.

My name is Courtney D. and I have resided at Skyline women’s recovery house since February 2023. Being here for the past 7 months has really helped me learn how to live a balanced life. I feel really stable and grounded with my decisions and choices for my life and myself now. I have learned things I feel every 28 year woman should have already known but unfortunately I didn’t before coming here. I didn’t know how to pay my rent on time and would keep ending up homeless. I never wanted to clean up after myself or even do my laundry. Skyline honestly really helped me to learn all of that and take pride in it. I found out I was an expectant mother while I was here and I was terrified. I had no clue where to begin or what my next step was going to be. All I wanted to do was run from it all but after I sat on it and prayed over it for a while I decided running wasn’t going to get me anywhere this time except ultimately back into my addiction, again. I would have thrown 18 months of being clean and sober away and I just couldn’t give up this time. So instead of running I faced my fears and reached out for help. One of the girls at the house helped me get a better paying job with her at a place she was referred to by Skyline. I reached my goal on saving up for a house for myself and my baby because of that job. I also was stressed out extremely bad over how I would furnish it all for us in time. I started talking to the house managers and found out Skyline Recovery has some really good resources for us. I always really struggled to ask for help from anyone but I put my fears of rejection aside and asked Johnny for help. I found out if I’m here for 6 months of self pay that he would personally set me up with a program called “Off The Floor” and they will furnish my house with a successful referral from Skyline. I know 6 or 7 months may seem like a long time when you are first beginning this journey but what’s the rush? Trust me, it has been worth every day of it. I’ve learned that if you trust the process it’s going to be worth it in the end. Being at Skyline does have its ups and downs but what community living place doesn’t?

12 October, 2023

Ashley S.

My name is Ashley S and I am an addict with 3 1⁄2 years clean. I have been living at Skyline Recovery now since February of 2021 so it’s been a little over a year. I can’t begin to explain how much this house has helped in my recovery. Before I came here, I was living at my godmother’s house and I thought I was doing really well. A situation arose where I had to find housing really quickly and I didn’t have many options. At first I was really angry about having to come to a recovery house. I felt like I was taking steps backwards. But once I got here and settled in I realized just how badly I had been doing at my godmothers. I had become very isolated and depressed. And moving into this house helped me change that. I was immediately accepted into the community with open arms and given the support I had been so badly lacking. I developed relationships with the other women here and all of sudden wasn’t so alone anymore. The owners also make sure to bring people in regularly to offer support services for women like CRS and other things. It is all around a very supportive atmosphere and It has helped me so much. I don’t know where I would have ended up had it not been for this house being here as a lot of recovery houses do not accept women on MAT. And that is a vital part of my recovery journey. I don’t know where my journey will take me from here , but I know being here has most definitely helped me to stay on the right path and grow in my recovery.


1 March, 2022

Kim B.

I was released from Allegheny County Jail to the Women’s House in October of 2019.  This house keeps you safe + sober and drug free with NO expectations from the house. Only stay clean & live life to its fullest and stay clean. I learned to maintain my recovery and to keep my focus on myself.

To learn how to build my spiritual growth. To gain the strength and support from other women working on their recovery. I would recommend this 3/4 house highly just through my own experiences and God’s Blessings, this house will help you find a new way of living!

11 June, 2020

Amelia P.

The expectations placed on us in the house are reasonable.  Any problems we had John & Myles took care of immediately.  We are only asked to keep the house clean and go to NA/AA Meetings. Shortly after moving here I had a serious altercation that I didn’t know what to do.  Johnny came immediately and told me what to do. He showed me support.  I trusted  him and followed his direction.  I learned how to handle criticism. I took responsibility for my part.  Thank you!

24 March, 2020

Michelle Z.

I’ve never been in a 3/4 house so I learned how to live with women.  We are all different but there is a lot of respect for one another.  It’s clean, it’s safe, we have everything we need & support is given when we need it. Everyone deserves respect. We all deserve a second chance.

13 January, 2020

Katie S.

I have been at the house for 6.5 months. I found the house rules and expectations quite reasonable. The house has been such a safe place to live, structured and well taken care of by management. We were provided with NA/AA Meeting Lists, bus schedules, and I’ve learned how to reach out for help when I need it. Thanks guys!

17 December, 2019

Actual photos and names are not full disclosed to protect the identities of our residents.