1. See “Participation Contract” for expectations and rules not covered in this section.
2. Participants are not to associate with individuals that are knowingly involved in any illegal activities or are actively using illicit drugs or abusing drugs or alcohol of any kind.
3. NO SEXUAL activity is to take place anywhere with anyone in the recovery house. NO person of the opposite sex is permitted in or on the property, unless it is a child or parent. This is terms for immediate dismissal. *This includes anyone who identifies in same sex relationships; significant others are not permitted in or on the property.
4. Participants will be responsible for their own living space and share responsibilities for the shared space as defined by the program.
5. Any drug use, or involvement in illegal activities, is grounds for immediate termination from the program.
6. Program curfew times:
Sunday – Thursday 5 AM – 11 PM
Friday and Saturday 5 AM – 12 AM
*Court mandated restrictions take precedence over program curfews.
**Employment obligations will be considered
***Failure to return to the program will result in termination
****Failure to obey curfew times will result in consequence up to and including termination
7. Documentation of 7 meetings per week is required (5 if the participants is employed or in outpatient treatment)
8. Participants are assigned weekly tasks to be completed for the house. It is each resident’s responsibility to properly maintain their living area, to include upkeep of the common areas; this includes sweeping, snow removal, proper garbage disposal and keeping areas clean and safe for traffic. Failure to complete will result in consequences.
9. In order to have the use of a vehicle, participants must have a current, valid drivers license, current insurance and registration in their name and current stickers. All the residents must show proof of these documents. Participants must park legally on the street at all times. No one is to use/lend the vehicle to any other resident.
10. Respect for fellow program participants is a given. Any physical, verbal, written threats and/or breaking of anonymity will result in termination.
11. Anyone who has been terminated from the program is not permitted back in the program for any reason without approval from management. This does mean that if a current participant lets a person into the house, that person will be held responsible.
12. Each participant is responsible for their own personal property. The Skyline Recovery staff or program itself is not responsible for your personal property.
13. Weapons are not permitted on the premises.
14. Problems and disputes between participants that cannot be resolved by the parties involved should first be directed to the House Manager, who will then direct any concerns to the Director if necessary. Problems with building maintenance should also be directed to the House Manager first.
15. Participant may receive overnights after the participant has been in the program for 7 days. Overnights will be given based on compliance with program rules and progress in recovery. Overnights can be denied. 24 hour notice must be given to House Manager, no exceptions. If participant is requesting back to back overnights they must return to the house for a drug test before staying out again. The cost for taking an overnight is $10 per night to offset the cost of drug tests.
16. All participants must sign out when leaving and sign back in upon returning also noting destination. Participants are allowed to be signed out for 8 hours unless pre-approved by House Manager for a longer time. Participants are required to have face-to-face contact with the House Manager upon returning.
17. No smoking, or use of any form of tobacco is permitted inside the Skyline Recovery facility. This is grounds for immediate termination, this includes smokeless tobacco, and vaping.
18. No eating/drinking outside of the common areas.
19. Program staff must be notified notified in writing of any prescription medications. Mouthwash and medication with alcohol are not permitted. Only over-the-counter medication on the “safe list” may be used. —- All medications should be locked up in designated lockers; lock must have 2 keys; 1 is given to the House Manager to be put in residents file, and 1 to be kept in a safe place. —-
21. Visitors/children are your responsibility. Skyline Recovery will not be responsible what so ever. Visiting hours are 7 PM, in common areas.
22. It is the responsibility of each participant to report any violations of the rules to the staff.
23. NO gambling is allowed whatsoever on the premises.
24. Do not loan or borrow money, clothing or any items of value to anyone under any circumstances. Do not borrow food, cigarettes, etc. from an other participant.
25. Participants must comply with any treatment recommendations received.
1. Endangering the life, health or safety of another individual.
2. Dealing, using and/or suppling drugs and/or alcohol.
3. Behaviors resulting in a criminal charge while a participant at Skyline Recovery
4. Violence or threats of violence.
5. Unauthorized absence from the program.
6. Sexual activity on Skyline Recovery premise.
7. Verbal or written threats that endanger the life, health or safety of another individual.
8. Carrying a concealed weapon.
9. Theft.
10. Breaking and entering into any restricted and secured area, including others personal areas.
11. Destruction of Skyline Recovery’s property.
12. Having medications that are not yours, drugs or alcohol in a resident’s possession.
13. Taking medication not prescribed to you by a physician.
14. Giving or sharing prescribed medication with another resident.
15. Repeated violations of the Skyline Recovery Rules after warnings.
16. Misuse of services or repeated failure to follow treatment plans.
(In addition to the terms outlined in the General Rules and Regulations, and the Participation Contract, the following shall apply:)
Some clients of Skyline Recovery require a higher level of drug test monitoring than others due to their case history and performance in the program. If a client is complying with all of the rules of the program and testing negative for drugs and alcohol on a continual basis, drug
testing expenses shall be borne by Skyline Recovery. If a client tests positive for drugs and alcohol once, and/or if a client has stipulations mandated by the court(s), probation/parole, justice related services or when Skyline Recovery requires additional testing outside our standard amount, all subsequent drug testing expenses shall be borne but he client ($10 per test).
*Additionally, clients will be allotted one hour to take a test once notified. Upon receiving requests for a test, resident is not permitted to leave the testers sight. Failure to go within an hour is termination. Having face, or someone else’s urine or altering urine will result in termination.
** if you are visibly impaired or under the influence, (ie: nodding, pupils pinned/dilated to excess, slurred speech, excessive itching) and pass a urine screen, managers/directors are to use their discretion; you may be discharged for appearing under the influence to excess regardless of urine screen.
*** It should also be noted, and understood, by every client entering Skyline Recovery, that we do not, nor will we ever harbor any fugitive regardless of the offense, “misunderstanding”, or time. If you know you have an active warrant we will require you to take care of that before entering the program. We will not hide, harbor or conceal anyone, we will work with all law enforcement agencies.
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